Repair of concrete guidance notes

These are published by The Concrete Society in CONCRETE. They are produced by the joint liaison committee of the Concrete Society, Institute of Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention Association.

These are free to all members of The Society.

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Ref Title Date
11 Ongoing monitoring of concrete repairs 06/2008
10 Performance-based rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures 03/2008
9 Acheiving successful repairs 03/2008
8 Anchoring of reinforcing steel 02/2008
7 Concrete injection 11/2007
6 Mortars, structural adhesives and other repair products 10/2007
5 EN 1504 Part 2: Surface protection systems 09/2007
4 Scope of EN 1504: Part 9 08/2007
3 Fixing concrete 07/2007
2 Degradation of concrete 06/2007
1 Corrosion of steel in concrete 05/2007