These are produced and published by The Concrete Society. The information and advice contained in the sheets is based on experience and knowledge of The Concrete Society's technical staff.
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Assessment of in-situ concrete strength using data obtained from core and indirect testing
Surface regularity – effects of deflection on suspended slabs
Slump, Flow table and Slump-flow tests; assessment checklist and reporting
The development of standard prestressed concrete bridge beams
Concretes for agricultural and general applications including mass (unreinforced) foundations
Surface blemishes on power-trowelled floors caused by coarse aggregate particles near the surface
Axial shortening of concrete columns in high-rise buildings
Identity testing of fresh concrete for properties other than strength
Identity testing for strength in accordance with BS EN 206-1 and BS 8500-1
Interpretation of hygrometer readings for moisture in concrete floors
Dark discoloration on smooth formed concrete surfaces (mottling)
Achieving good quality as struck in-situ concrete surface finishes
Abrasion resistance of floors containing lightweight coarse aggregate
Holding down bolts in concrete: Suggested design procedures to BS 8110-1
Congested reinforcement:effects on placing and compacting concrete
Suspended concrete floors: maximum size of pour allowable and location of construction joints